Home Nazionale Monika Sie Dhian Ho Appointed as General Director of the Clingendael Institute

Monika Sie Dhian Ho Appointed as General Director of the Clingendael Institute


– THE HAGUE, Netherlands, March 14, 2016 /PRNewswire/ —
As of July 1st,Monika Sie Dhian Ho will succeed Ko Colijn as General Director of the Clingendael Institute. 
Drs. Monika Sie Dhian Ho (1967) acts since 2008 as director of the Wiardi Beckman Stichting (WB Foundation), the social-democratic scientific bureau, lectures at the Netherlands School of Public Administration and was recently appointed as member of the Advisory Council on International Affairs, which is consulted by the Dutch government on foreign policy issues. She studied and lectured political science at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and taught International Relations and International Political Economy at Leiden University. Before joining the WB Foundation, she was a researcher and project manager at the Scientific Council for Government Policy.
     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20160314/343645 )
The Clingendael Institute, as a widely consulted independent think tank on international relations and its Clingendael Academy, renowned for the training of diplomats with dozens of countries, has experienced in the past years a significant growth in its activities, turnover and staff. It settles high and steady on the international Go-to-Think-Tank ranking. Prof. Dr. Ko Colijn has been director since 2011. Reaching retirement age, as well as for health reasons, he steps back but will continue to serve as Clingendael expert.
About the Clingendael Institute The Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ aims to enhance and deepen knowledge and opinion shaping on issues related to international affairs. The Institute realizes this objective through its research, training and consultancy for national and international parties. The Institute publishes reports and policy briefs, holds numerous conferences and publishes the digital magazine Internationale Spectator. Every year Clingendael offers a wide spectrum of courses and programmes, training hundreds of diplomats, civil servants, and other professionals from all over the world. For further info, please view: http://www.clingendael.nl